Hunted for food

Hunted for food

Some animals are hunted for food. This is fine as long as it is not over done.
For example over fishing can cause problems for the species being hunted. Though if fishermen give the the species time to recover before fishing again this is fine. But if this does not happen it can lead the species to extinction.
When fishermen take to many fish out of a area it can effect the food web too and damage other species. A food web is a complex map of who eats who and if one fish is missing it can have a knock on effect, so if a species of fish is missing the predator that eats it is in danger too because it would not have anything to eat.
But other amamls are hunted for food as well as fish. For exampl chimanses are hunted for food and ther babys sold as pets. Chimpanseses are clost ly rlated to homans yet are now endangerd becase of us. Chimpanses and other amamls that live with like monkys are hunted for forest mety a expensiv delicasy in some contrys. Chimps are are closest liveing relatives we sher 96% of there jens yet thay mite go estinkt becase of us! This is a big problem and we need to do somthingk abalt it now befor its to late!
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