How to help [endangerd amamls]

How to help

How can you help save these endangered animals?
Well faux fur is a start; try to only buy faux or fake fur rugs, blankets or clothes. Faux fur is made in factories instead of being from real animals meaning it’s better for animals.
When buying any seafood check the package for a blue tick or fish logo. This logo means that it has been farmed or fished sustainably without over fishing. As well as cheking sea food chek where yor other foods coms from it can be endangerd amamls you'r eating! Orso you should try and eat less meat in general or if you really want to help become a vegetarian!
To help animals that are endangered due to deforestation try some of the tips on the how to help reduce deforestation page!
Don't buy any pets that should be wild - these animals should be runing free in the wild not cooped up in a pen all day!! Some animals (like birds) are bred as pets and that’s fine, it's just when they’re taken from the wild that its not ok.
Don't do trofy huntig yor not going to enpres eny one find a nothere mor sustanabl hobby to cep you ocupid its rely not that hard to do and it can make a huge difrance!
You can make posters and signs encouraging people to get active and do something to help. The more people the more likely we are to make a change and help these poor animals.
Donate to charities and organisations trying to help. It might seem small but a little can go along way! These charities can help lots of different animals so find one you’re really passionate about. Or one that helps all of them in a smaller whay.
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